Written by Shayle Sabo, 2019

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
We invite you to mull over these words from French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Allow them to move through you, perhaps whisper them aloud. What do they feel like as they pass your lips? What emotions do they invoke? What images do they conjure?
Perhaps these words stir up a fair number of questions that are now swirling in your mind; What does it mean to embark on a spiritual journey? How does one even establish or develop a personal spiritual practice? What are the rules of spirituality?
Take a deep breath.
What if we told you, that there is no right way to have a spiritual practice?
Feeling calmer already? We thought that might be so.
Matter of fact, a spiritual practice is beautiful in that it is what most resonates with you and pursuing what you feel called to.
But a little guidance never hurts, and if you are looking for some advice on developing your own spiritual practice, we are here to help!
What is Spirituality?
Some may have the misconception that spirituality and religion are one in the same. This may present a barrier to some who may otherwise pursue a spiritual practice or path, as one may not want to identify with a particular religion, nor hold religious beliefs. However, the two have relatively distinct differences.
Religion, as eloquently explained by The Chopra Center is “by definition a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, or practices; the service and worship of God or the supernatural.
Spirituality, however, differs in that it “connotes an experience or connection to something larger than you; living everyday life in a reverent or sacred manner . . . it is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning or purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred.”
To unpack this a little further, essentially religion is living one’s life in such a way as to adhere to a strict set of rules defined by a god. Religion is distinctly the relationship between an individual and a god, and that one’s destiny is chosen by how obedient and loyal one is to that god or the institutions that worship the deity.
On the other hand, spirituality is instead an exploration of Self (or the concept that the “Divine” exists within us), and how best an individual is interconnected with all forms of consciousness. A spiritual path is one in which an individual recognizes that all actions and choices have an impact on others and seeking means in which to find balance in the way they fit into the interconnectedness. Spirituality can involve the concept of a “Higher Power,” but not so much in a means of worship or servitude, but in more of a sense of that the “Higher Power” is the level of consciousness in which all things relate or connect.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi
A Spiritual Resurgence
We choose to take a moment to acknowledge the awakening that is currently happening in today’s society. Or perhaps we should call it a “re-awakening.”
With the immense negativity we are currently experiencing; the pain we see daily being reported in the news, the harsh words exchanged behind the comfort of keyboards online, the decreasing authenticity of human connection as technology increases; it is easy to feel anxious about the state of the world.
But we say fear not, because while all these things are occurring, there is hope. There is a reason that spiritual practices are finding a resurgence today. It is probably what brings you to this very page.
“I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you that you do not know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten." —Eckhart Tolle
The world is yearning to feel the sense of connectedness that exists between all of us. We all feel that primal sense of wanting to heal and knowing we can’t do it without one another. This resurgence is happening for that very purpose; and we just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that fact with gratitude.
How Do I Choose a Spiritual Path that is Right for Me?
If you are reading this post, it is likely you are seeking a way to connect or begin exploring a spiritual path for yourself. Here are a few tips on how to get started:
Explore. A spiritual path is about finding what most resonates with you. We encourage you to seek a spiritual path with an open mind. It is okay if the first few paths you explore do not resonate with you, or do not make you feel a sense of awakening. This does not mean that you have failed, it simply means your first phase of seeking has not concluded.
Connect. We invite you to find the sense of interconnection that we have been discussing in this post. Make time to look within yourself. Learn who you are at your most authentic self. Some may find this through meditation, some through journaling, some through taking up running. Find what works best for you. We also encourage you to explore nature. Not only does this provide relief and quiet from the hustle and bustle of urban living, but it allows one to connect with the world around us and the intimate intricacies that exist.
Care for yourself. If we do not feel whole ourselves, we may find it difficult to seek or receive. We encourage you to take care of yourself by developing a regular self-care practice, eating well, and exercising as you are able. This allows your body to remain clear and without any blockages that may hold us back our journey.
Receive. You do not have to pursue a spiritual path alone. There are many who have walked these paths before you. Receive guidance, whether that is in the form of reading a book or establishing a relationship with a teacher. Guidance can help us better strengthen our connection with the path we seek.
At The Tenth House, we are honored to provide a space to help you find connection with the spiritual path that is right for you. We warmly invite you to participate in workshops we offer on this very subject, including the following:
Introduction to Earth-Centered Spirituality Weaving Spirituality into Everyday Life Personal Empowerment through Spirituality
We invite you to follow us on Facebook to ensure you remain up to date on when these workshops may be offered.
Build Community. Again, you do not have to seek a spiritual path in isolation. We recommend finding others who might be on the same, or similar, journeys. We are fortunate to live in an era in which it is made much easier to find others with like-mindedness. Perhaps see if a local group in your area exists or find an online community to be a part of.
To get you started, if you are local to Fort Collins, The Tenth House has created a for connecting with others on a spiritual path. Or if an online community is more your game, we invite you to join our Facebook Group. We’d love to meet you!

Photo by Jen Theodore
No matter what stage you are at in your spiritual journey, we honor you and send you warm thoughts and energy. We hope that you find what resonates most with you and wish you well. Blessed be.
Brady, Adam. “Religion vs Spirituality: What is the Difference?” The Chopra Center. 2019. https://chopra.com/articles/religion-vs-spirituality-what-is-the-difference
Downing, Dr. Danielle. “Practical Ways to Have a Spiritual Awakening: 6 Ways to a Radiant Life.” Thrive Global. 5 October 2018. https://thriveglobal.com/stories/practical-ways-to-have-a-spiritual-awakening/